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* Quickdoc to the Tiny MWB Collection V1.5 *
Hello Everybody!
I am sorry, but this collection doesn´t contain a detailed English guide,
yet. The reason for this is that there doesn´t seem to be a need for it,
as there are only few reactions to my collection :-( I am sorry! However the
next release could have such a big guide, it depends on you!
Meanwhile you´ll have to read this LITTLE text/guide instead, with
everything IMPORTANT to know in it! What you´re missing, are my comments on
(almost) each of my icons... I think you will survive that ;-)
But now to the important stuff:
1. Status
This software is CARDWARE! This means you should send me a picture-
postcard of your hometown, or AT LEAST an email (both is also
acceptable ;-). There is *NO NEED* to send me any money, but if you
2. My address (to write or to contact me):
Mario Cattaneo
Bruchwiesenanlage 4-701/2
D-66125 Saarbrücken
E-mail: cattaneo@cscip.uni-sb.de
3. Garantee
This software comes with NO garantee at all! If you use it you accept
any risc that could come with it. The author can´t be blamed for any loss
of data because of you using these icons. This Software doesn´t claim to
be bug-free nor complete. It is as it is. The copryright belongs to the
4. Legal Stuff
The software must stay unchanged and in one part. It must NOT be partely
distributed in other collections (without the authors permission)!
If this collection is spread on a PD disc, the prise for it must not be
over 5US$ and it has to contain at least 800KB of software. Distributing
on CD IS allowd.
MagicWB is copyright © by Martin Huttenloher!
If you haven´t registered yet you should do it today!
The shareware-fee is 20US$ (SASG-product).
Register at:
Martin Huttenloher
Am Hochsträß 4
D-89081 Ulm
5. New Drawer (X-Stuff)
This drawer contains a palette which helps you converting your dock-
brushes, so that you can use them on a Un*x system, e.g. at your
university. The palette was chosen to give those brushes a nice look
using them with a monochrom (b/w-dithering) Monitor :-) Just load the
palette into your paint programme, then load a brush and save it again
with the new palette. You now only have to change the format of the brush
into one which is compatible to a Un*x system (e.g. XBM). Don´t worry
this sound much more complicated and uncomfortable than it really is...
It even contains some entries, which will (if you are using FVWM) bring
up the look of such buttons which a MUI-Application would have (The three
dimensional look is based on SysiHack © by Christoph Feck). Just replace
the old definitions by the new ones and in a flash you will have your
familiar look back (of course you will then have to add functions to them
afterwards). For those of you who want a qick test, they can just try
mine, they are also included here (ButtonFunctions).
***WARNING*** If you don´t know exactely how to handle the .fvwmrc then
please leave it unchanged, as it should be edited with the same caution
as you would edit your startup-sequence on your AMIGA!!!
NOTE: Let me know what you think about this AMIGA-X-feeling!
6. Credits
At first I´d like to thank TREVOR MORRIS, as he was the first one who
sent me a postcard (Look out for his Icon-Archives ´MWBStuff4.lha´
and ´MWB_DOpus_7.lha´ to get more nice MWB-Icons...)!
Special thanks to ROMAN PATZNER for his Postcard (I am honoured :)
Well, I don´t have to tell you about his RomIcons, do I? :-)
More thanks go to Stephan Sürken for his Text2Guide, which was a big
help creating both GUIDES :-)
Further more I´d like to thank those who sent me an email
(in order of reception):
- Trevor Morris (Canada - For his nice "Mail-Chats")
- Guy Tanner (United Kingdom)
- Steffen Helfrich (Germany)
- Tony Scott (USA)
- Jean-Marc Xiume (France)
- "Les Simms" (USA)
- Ron Burman (West Australia)
Missing YOUR name on this list? Yes? Well, then just contact me...
7. History
NOTE: I am sorry about all those small updates, but I always try to
improve these icons. And if I am satisfied then there might be
a major update (containing only new icons, NOT newicons ;). Till
then I will keep releasing my bugfixes and use the opportunity to
include some new icons I made (WHY should you have to WAIT for the
major update?)!
V1.0: First public release (25.04.1995)
V1.1: Not released
- Bug in german GUIDE fixed
- MUI Drawer reworked (pixelwork)
- Optimizer Drawer slightly improved
V1.2: Released at 17.07.1995
(Changed Status from ANYWARE to CARDWARE/MAILWARE)
- New Icons:
- español-Drawer
- MultiCX
- MultiCX-Prefs
- SIRDS_Gen.pic
- SleepSIRDS
- SerMouse
- Text2GUIDE
- TextEditor
- DPaint (completely new, redone from scratch, as
the old one was no real MWB-icon)
- New Drawer (X-Stuff)
- X-Palette
- ButtonStyles
- ButtonFunctions
- The T.M.C.-Drawer now is an image-drawer :-)
V1.2: Released at 29.07.1995
(a) - Fixed:
- DPaint-Icon (Thanks to Trevor Morris for reporting)
- TURBOstart_1 & 2
- Added: - TURBOprint-Drawer
- TURBOprint4
V1.3: Released at 31.08.1995
- Fixed:
- DPaint-Icon (Thanks AGAIN to Trevor Morris!)
- TextEditor (Well, thanks Trevor ;-)
- Text2GUIDE (The other one made no real sense - fixed it
although there´s no nead for it now, but...)
- Added:
- FullBench
- FullBench-Drawer
- MultiReset-Drawer
- Play16 + Drawer (As I had already made them before the
author released his, I am including them here, but you
don´t have to use them...)
- Play16_2-Drawer (A drawer based on original icon
from Thomas Wenzel)
- ReKeyIt (Fixed the one from Michael Barsoom)
- MenuPrefs (Belongs to "ReKeyIt")
- Text2GUIDE-Drawer
- TolleUhr-Drawers (two versions, one fitting XEN´s
MWB-Icon, the other one has a dock-brush background)
- The German GUIDE now has a standard "GUIDE"-icon ;)
V1.4: Skipped this version because of V1.2a...
V1.5: (hopefully last 1.x-version)
Released at 20.10.1995
- Fixed
- TolleUhr_2-Drawer
- Play16_2-Drawer
- Format (in DOpus-Drawer)
- Added:
- Prop3D-Drawer
- KingCON-Drawer
- AmigaGuide-Templates_1-3 (Well, you can descide, which
one you like most...)
- MultiCX-Drawers_1-3 (fitting my MCX-Icons ;)
- ReKeyIt (PRG-Icon, Prefs and Drawer, redone from
scartch, they all got the same look, I hope you
like ´em!)
- CycleToMenu-Drawer
- CD-ROM-Drawer
- GoldED-Drawer
- GoldED
- ED
- AppIcon
- Order
- HiSpeed
- Recover
- Unlock
- Included "kind of" GUIDE for the English language (it´s not as
detailed as the German one, but it´s at least a beginning ;)